NGL Online Summer Conference 2021

Видавництво «National Geographic Learning» та офіційний представник видавництва, компанія «Лінгвіст», запрошують викладачів України на онлайн конференцію.

На вас чекає спілкування із зірковими спікерами, ідеї для нового навчального року та натхнення.

Учасники, які відвідали більше 40% часу конференції отримають сертифікати та візьмуть участь в розіграші підручників видавництва.

Програма заходу

15.00 – 16.00 – More Than Just The Answers, Hugh Dellar

One of the great unsung skills of teaching involves providing more than just the answers when going through classroom exercises. In this session, I’ll explore the challenges posed by different types of vocabulary exercises, and consider what we can best add when working with each type. There will be interactive workshop elements and plenty of practical ideas.

16.00 – 16.15 – National Geographic Learning in Ukraine, Diana Golovan

16.15 – 17.15 – Visible Thinking Routines in the English Language Classroom, Alex Warren

The role of the teacher is multi-faceted – not only do we have the responsibility of developing our learners’ language knowledge and skills, but also the cognitive, social and interpersonal skills they need to in order to be successful in school, work and life in the 21st century. Not least amongst these is the need to get our learners to start thinking for themselves and asking questions, rather than being spoon-fed. With examples from National Geographic Learning’s Keynote series, in this session I’ll show how we can incorporate visible thinking routines into our lessons to not only develop our students’ cognitive skills, but also to stimulate meaningful discussion involving all students.

Information about the speakers

Hugh Dellar is an author, teacher and teacher trainer with over twenty years’ experience in the field. He is also the co-founder of Lexical Lab and has co-written the methodology book Teaching Lexically. Hugh has given teacher training and development sessions in over twenty countries including Brazil, Mexico, Peru, Spain, Italy, Japan, Russia and Ukraine. He has spoken on such wide-ranging topics as the nature of English as a lingua franca, the uses and abuses of corpora, approaches to teaching grammar and vocabulary and many others. He is co-author of the Outcomes series and Perspectives, both published by National Geographic Learning.

Alex Warren is a DELTA trained teacher trainer with over 17 years’ experience of working in ELT as a teacher, teacher trainer and academic director. He has presented and run workshops and webinars on a wide range of topics in over 30 countries throughout Europe, Africa and the Middle East. Alex is currently the Senior ELT Academic Consultant for National Geographic Learning.

Учасники, які відвідали більше 40% часу конференції отримають сертифікати та візьмуть участь в розіграші підручників видавництва.

Сертифікати будуть надсилатися компанією “Лінгвіст” впродовж 5 робочих днів.