Реєстрація на вебінар «Low-tech Gamification»  

Видавництво National Geographic Learning та офіційний представник видавництва, компанія «Лінгвіст» запрошують викладачів англійської мови на безкоштовну онлайн подію!  

Дата: 18 серпня
Час: 17.00 – 18.00
Місце: онлайн
Участь: безкоштовна

Про вебінар 

Gamification is becoming increasingly popular in the language classroom, and, let’s be honest, who doesn’t like having a bit of fun while studying? However, the term ‘gamification’ can suggest the need to use a range of online resources and complex programs, but in this webinar, we’ll discover some quick and simple activities and techniques to gamify everyday activities. Yes, even a gap-fill can be fun! During the webinar we’ll be using National Geographic Learning’s brand-new young adult and adult series Voices, as well as other practical ideas to get your students engaged, motivated and having fun. 


Flo Feast 

Flo has been working in ELT since 2010 and is CELTA and Delta-qualified. She has worked as a teacher, teacher trainer, content developer and examiner in the UK, Italy, Vietnam, China, and Malta. She has run workshops and delivered seminars and webinars on a range of ELT topics both in Europe and Asia. Flo has worked for a number of ELT school groups including seven years at International House in a range of roles, and is currently the National Geographic Learning ELT Sales Executive for Central and Eastern Europe. In her free time, she enjoys travelling, reading psychological thrillers, and sampling wines from around the world.