Видавництво National Geographic Learning та офіційний представник видавництва, компанія “Лінгвіст” з радістю запрошують викладачів на безкоштовну подію: NGL Young Learner Autumn Conference.
На учасників чекають:
- Сесія з неперевершеним Алексом Уорреном про створення ситуацій успіху на уроках з молодшими школярами.
- Знайомство та корисний методичний вебінар з авторкою нашого курсу для молодших школярів Look, Кетрін Штаннет.
- Відповіді спікерів на ваші запитання.
- Презентація 2-го видання курсу Our World.
- Багато натхнення, цікаві ідеї для навчання й мотивації молодших школярів.
Дата: 6 жовтня
Час: 16:00 – 18:20
16:00 – 17:00 – Facilitating Learning Success in the YL Classroom, Alex Warren
It is often said that the key to producing successful language learners is to start them young. Indeed this is the foundation of the critical period hypothesis, whereby there is a suggested optimal period for language acquisition. However, this is not the only factor that can impact on the success of our language learners. Much of that success will also depend on individual learners themselves, as well as their teachers and learning environment. In this presentation, we’ll briefly look at what else can help facilitate learning success in the young learner classroom, before focusing on the role and impact that learning to learn can have on that success.
17:00 – 17:10 – Презентація Our World second edition, Alex Warren
17:10 – 17:20 – Перерва
17:20 – 18:20 – Looking Beyond the Classroom, Katherine Stannett
The English classroom can and should be so much more than simply a place where our students learn a language. It should be a launchpad; a place where we inspire, excite and motivate our students to look out beyond the classroom and learn about the connections between their lives and the world they live in. In this inspiring place, our role as teachers should be not only to teach the core language, functions and skills, but also to guide our young learners along the path to becoming global citizens.
In today’s talk, I will be sharing some ways in which we can use real lives, real places and real stories to teach language while engaging our young learners and encouraging them to find out about the world. I will suggest different ways to incorporate powerful images and amazing facts into our lessons and still cover the syllabus, transforming our classrooms into places of wonder and learning.
Інформація про спікерів:
Alex Warren
Alex is a DELTA trained teacher trainer with over 17 years’ experience of working in ELT as a teacher, teacher trainer and academic director. He has presented and run workshops and webinars on a wide range of topics in over 30 countries throughout Europe, Africa and the Middle East. Alex is currently the Senior ELT Academic Consultant for National Geographic Learning.
Katherine Stannett
Katherine Stannett is an author with over twenty years of experience. She spent two years in Japan in the 1990s, teaching English to a wide variety of students in many different settings. She is the co-author of the several successful secondary series and has also written articles, songs and raps for many popular EFL magazines. Most recently, she has written two levels of the new National Geographic Middle School series, ‘Impact’ and one level of the new National Geographic Primary series, ‘Look’. She has given presentations and run workshops in many countries around the world, including Poland, Kazakhstan, Portugal, Honduras, Brazil, Spain and Slovenia and also conducts webinars from her home office in the UK.
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