Онлайн-конференція “Double Impact on Your Teaching”

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“Double Impact on Your Teaching”
Організатори: видавництво National Geographic Learning та ексклюзивний представник National Geographic Learning в Україні компанія Лінгвіст.

На учасників чекають дві запальні сесії від спікерів видавництва National Geographic Learning.

Доповідачі та теми виступів
Hugh Dellar

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Hugh Dellar is an author, teacher and teacher trainer with over twenty years’ experience in the field. He is also the co-founder of Lexical Lab and has co-written the methodology book Teaching Lexically. Hugh has given teacher training and development sessions in over twenty countries including Brazil, Mexico, Peru, Spain, Italy, Japan, Russia and Ukraine. He has spoken on such wide-ranging topics as the nature of English as a lingua franca, the uses and abuses of corpora, approaches to teaching grammar and vocabulary and many others. He is co-author of the Outcomes series and Perspectives, both published by National Geographic Learning.

Тема сесії: Teaching spoken English means more grammar – not less!

Увага! Для цієї сесій вам буде необхідна роздруківка з завданнями. Завантажте її за посиланням та збережіть на комп’ютері  >>> ПОСИЛАННЯ

In this talk, I will be exploring some fundamental problems with the way grammar is all-too often thought about and presented to students and reporting on what happens to students as a result. I shall then be considering ways in which a more serious consideration of how language is actually used when we speak can lead to a much more sensible, practical attitude to grammar in the classroom.

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Alex Warren

Alex is a DELTA trained teacher trainer with over 15 years’ experience of working in ELT as a teacher, academic director and teacher trainer. Prior to his experiences in ELT, Alex worked as a journalist before a chance encounter in the Indonesian jungle began him on the path which has led him to working with National Geographic Learning. A firm believer in a communicative approach to language learning and student-centred learning, Alex enjoys working with innovative, thought-provoking materials and presenting on a wide range of ELT-related topics, all the while driven by his passion for developing teachers on a global scale and helping them to reach their true potential.

Тема сесії: TED in Action – How to use TED Talks in the ELT classroom: a demo lesson

What exactly does a TED lesson look like in practice? How exactly can I use them in class? How do I even choose the right TED Talk? In this interactive, ideas sharing webinar, we’ll first look at how to choose the right TED Talk for your class and then we’ll get hands-on with a TED Talk demo lesson. I’ll take you through the different stages of a TED Talk lesson, moving from pre-viewing and while-viewing tasks to post-viewing tasks, showcasing different activities that can be done at each stage and how, with a touch of creativity, it can it can be exploited to develop students’ language and 21st century skills.

Конференція відбудеться онлайн. Інструкції, як приєднатись до події ви отримаєте після реєстрації.

16.00 – 17.00 Teaching spoken English means more grammar – not less!, Hugh Dellar
17.00 – 17.10 National Geographic Learning in Ukraine, Diana Golovan
17.10 – 17.20 Opportunities for Professional Development, Svitlana Drobotenko
17.20 – 18.30 TED in Action – How to use TED Talks in the ELT classroom: a demo lesson, Alex Warren

Сертифікат із зазначенням часу отримають учасники конференції, які відвідали більше 60% часу події.
В разі виникнення запитань, звертайтесь до методиста компанії Лінгвіст або

Увага! Для першої сесій вам буде необхідна роздруківка з завданнями. Завантажте її за посиланням та збережіть на комп’ютері. ПОСИЛАННЯ